Van Sabben Poster Auction 59

807 Anonymous Without text (French flag painted over nazi swastika) 76x100, ca. 1944, (created by the US Government for use in Liberated France) B+ € 160 -350 808 Advertising Agency Mohr Het Indië Beleid! 69x109, 1945 B+ € 280 -500 809 Anonymous De vlag gaat neer in Indië wilt gij dit? Nationaal Comité Handhaving Rijkseenheid 50x75,5, ca. 1947 A- € 120 -300 810 Anonymous Hoe Nederland bevrijd werd (How The Netherlands was liberated) 67x47,5, ca. 1946, on cardboard, this game shows in chronological order how the Netherlands was liberated by the allies from D-Day until the victory parade on May 29 in The Hague, 1945 A- € 140 -350 811 Anonymous Vrijheid! (Freedom! on Dutch flag) 99x74, 1945 A-/B+ € 120 -300 812 Willem Abraham Wijn (1902-1983) eisch Duitschen grond De Duitscher móet onze schade betalen (demands German land The German must pay for our damage) 66,5x98, added: same artist and topic, 2 different horizontal (75x55) images, all 1945 A-/B+ € 120 -400 (3) 813 Guust Hens (1907-1976) Collecte voor de Prins Bernhard Stichting Hulp is nodig..! 68x99,5, 1948 B+ € 100 -220 814 E. Tomashevsky (Russian) Chile The pain of Chile is - The pain of the whole planet 66x105, 1975 A-/B+ € 180 -400 815 Mahn Berliner Ensemble Der Tag des grossen Gelehrten Wu Ein Volkstück aus dem alten China (Bertold Brecht) 83x119, ca. 1955, DDR A-/B+ € 120 -300 807 813 810 808 814 811 809 815 812 73