Van Sabben Poster Auction 60

1072 Anonymous Die Kunst der Nadel 3. Ausstellung der Frau Anitta Müller (Wien 1890-Tel Aviv 1962), (Frauen in Bewegung 1848-1938) 61x94, 1916, on linen, design based on the Bulgarian, Turkish and Hungarian flags B/B+ € 280 -500 1073 Stenzel Neustadt/Dosse Grosses Reit und Fahrturnier Rennen 59x81, 1925, on linen B+ € 180 -400 1074 Anonymous fleck-fips Fleckenmittel 59x84, added: Wildometz, same size and topic, different image A-/B+ € 90 -200 (2) 1075 Anonymous Visit India Delhi 65x100,5, 1950, on cardboard B+ € 90 -300 1076 Anonymous India The Wonderful Land 62x99, 1957, on cardboard B+ € 90 -300 1077 Fabra Gali (1880-1965) Exposición Internacional de Barcelona Art in Spain 68x100, 1929, on linen A-/B+ € 360 -700 1078 Irakli Toidze (1902-1985) For you, Motherland 58x93,5, 1967, (Georgian artist) B+ € 220 -450 1079 Leroy Grannis (photo, 1917-2011) Waimea Bay Hawaii 53,5x76, ca. 1965, image shows Mike Doyle at Waimea Bay, North Shore of Oahu, Hawaï A- € 90 -200 1080 Stevan Dohanos (1877-1963) The Saturday Evening Post March 8, 1947 55,5x71, added: J.P. Falter, March 1, 1947 A- € 180 -350 (2) 1072 1078 1075 1073 1079 1076 1074 1080 1077 119